One-Way Ticket to Mexico: Andrea Cacco’s Digital Nomad Experience

The expat and digital nomad lifestyle offers an unparalleled opportunity for personal growth, cultural enrichment and adventurous exploration; in this interview “One-way ticket to Mexico: Andrea Cacco’s Digital Nomad Experience “ we’ll discover that it allows individuals to break free from the confines of familiarity, embrace new experiences and expand their horizons beyond borders!

Join us as we delve into the exhilarating journey of Andrea Cacco, an Italian native who transformed his expertise in digital marketing into a vibrant expat lifestyle in Mexico.

Discover how her passion for adventure and digital savvy converged to create a life beyond borders, filled with new experiences and endless possibilities.

Stay tuned for insights, anecdotes and inspiration in our exclusive interview: “One-way ticket to Mexico: Andrea Cacco’s Digital Nomad Experience”.

Tell us a little bit about yourself, your life and what drove you to this lifestyle; why did you decide to become a digital nomad?

One-way ticket to Mexico: Andrea Cacco’s Digital Nomad Experience

I have a bachelor degree in digital marketing and communication, and when I started working I was both in agency and corporate.

 Then I discovered nomadic work a little bit by working in two accommodations in Cavallino-Treporti (Venice).

I was constantly moving from one facility to another, I was in contact with clients, I was following up and attending events, and then there I met someone who asked me, “Why don’t you leave with me and my friend for Mexico?”

And the answer was very simple, maybe poorly thought out and on impulse but simple.

So I left for the first time with a one-way ticket and my life as a digital nomad began.

How did you start working remotely?

The first trip was in October 2018, I left with a one-way ticket to Mexico, specifically Playa del Carmen on the Caribbean coast of a country I fell madly in love with.

From that trip I returned six months later in March 2019 with a wealth of experiences.

What do you do during your travels?

It depends on what part of the world I am from, but last year I discovered Southeast Asia, and I must say I don’t mind at all relaxing in the morning and working in the afternoon/ evening.

I can carve out much more time to discover the local culture.

That is the most important thing about my travels, the contact with the local people and the culture of the country that is hosting me.

Do you travel alone or do you share this lifestyle with someone?

Since 2021 I have been traveling alone; before that for a couple of years I traveled with friends.

This year I will do a bit and a bit, here in Thailand I am with a German friend I met right here last year while I will do a month in Vietnam solo.

Andrea Cacco’s Digital Nomad Experience - One-way ticket to Mexico

What are your favorite countries to work remotely?

For now Mexico, but I still have a lot left to visit. I have a special bond with Mexico but maybe because it was there that I discovered this beautiful big world of digital nomads.

What are the challenges and pros of traveling while working?

For me the absolute best pro is always being able to be on vacation a little bit even if vacation is not, discovering new places, new ways of living and seeing even balancing with work.

The cons, traveling alone, is that some times I feel lonely, especially when I can’t find a place with a large community of digital nomads.

What is your work routine like? Tell us about a typical day of yours!

I usually get up in the morning, 30-minute workout to wake up at my best, shower, meditation and breakfast. The essentials to start the morning!

Then I start lost the beach and enjoy a walk by the sea, listen to a podcast or good music or read a little. Then, around lunchtime, I come up from the beach and get ready for the day’s work.

Usually by midnight I am done with work. Let’s say I don’t have many free evenings however I like the routine I have created for myself.

How do you decide your priorities and the next destinations?

The next destination I usually choose because of proximity to the country I am in or because of the advice I read on many groups or from nomadic friends.

For priorities there is always first work and my needs then comes fun and everything else.

Tell us an interesting anecdote that happened to you during one of your travels!

I would have several interesting anecdotes, more and less beautiful, but the one that struck me the most is finding friends I met 3 years earlier in the same room in the hostel.

I met these two boys, twins, in Mexico on my first trip.

In 2022 I go back to Mexico and head to Guadalajara, I walk into the room and there was no one there, in the evening I was quiet planning my next day and they walk in. It was great to meet again like that after several years.

One-way ticket to Mexico: Andrea Cacco’s Digital Nomad Experience

What advice would you give to those who want to take up this lifestyle?

To have the courage to give up everything, it’s not an easy life, beautiful but definitely not 100 percent carefree.

Like when you are at home there can be problems because you are not just any tourist you turn into a traveler and then you start to totally experience the country you live in.

You have to have some courage and you will surely be able to have one of the most beautiful experiences from your life!

Thank you Andrea!

As our conversation with Andrea Cacco comes to a close, her compelling insights into the expat lifestyle leave us inspired and intrigued.

Through her journey and the digital nomad experience she had, we’ve discovered the allure of embracing new cultures, the thrill of stepping outside one’s comfort zone and the richness that comes from living a life unbounded by borders.

Andrea’s story reminds us of the endless possibilities that await those courageous enough to choose the path less traveled.

Don’t forget to follow her on social media:

And check out her beautiful blog!

Did you enjoy our interview “One-way ticket to Mexico: Andrea Cacco’s Digital Nomad Experience”? Let us know in the comments, especially if you’re considering a lifestyle change and becoming an expat or a digital nomad!